Teaching Undergrad CHE 576 & 448

Che 576 Intermediate Proces Control

Course Objective:

The main objective of this course is to provide students with advanced knowledge on modern control techniques and computer based process control. Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to perform design, tuning  and analysis of advanced computer control systems. Specifically, we will address the following objectives:

  1.  Development of discrete-time dynamic models
  2.  Analysis of discrete transfer functions
  3.  State space control methods
  4. Design of optimal linear quadratic controllers
  5. Design of advanced model predictive controllers
  6. Implementation of computer control systems on realistic processes (Project included)


The course NOTES CHE 576W2014-NOTES contain  visual modules (short movies) that are supplemental to the lectures. For example, the following movie describes the modelling of the two tanks system:

Che 448 Process Control for Mechanical Engineers

Course Objective:

The main objective of this course is to provide students with basic knowledge of process control methodologies suitable for mechanical engineers. Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to: perform design, tuning and analysis of basic control systems. Specifically, students will be able to accomplish the following objectives:

  1.  Develop and model 1st, 2nd order and higher order dynamical systems (mechanical and process systems) and to simulate systems' responses.
    • State space models SS=(A,B,C,D)
    • Transfer function models T.F.
    • Frequency domain models and analysis
  2. Design and tune feedback controllers - regulation
    •  Perform stability analysis and design of controllers to ensure stability
  3. Design servo-mechanism to ensure set-point tracking
    • Design a controller to ensure a disturbance rejection and to obtain desired performance characteristics

Computational Methods in Engineering - CME 374

 The main objective of this course is to provide students with basic knowledge of numerical methods for engineers. Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to: understand the mathematical modelling framework, error analysis, finding roots of nonlinear equations, solve linear algebraic system of equations, curving fitting, integration, ordinary dierential equations, partial differential equations. Specifically, students will be able to accomplish the following objectives:

1:  Basic modelling classications and error analysis

2:  Solving for Roots of equations : Solve f (x ) = 0 for x  = 0

3:  Solving Linear algebraic Equations: Given a0s  and c0s

4:  Curve fitting (regression and interpolation)

5:  Integration

6: Solving ordinary differential equations

7:  Solving Partial Differential Equations


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